We read our world through the eyes of the filters of our personality, experiences, and values - in sum, our perceptions. We make attributions with what we see quicker than we can even understand. Add to this the fact we're all spiritual beings, searching for meaning in life; we more easily find the wrong answers, thinking they're right for us.
Think about horoscope. There are 12 varieties - one of twelve boxes we fit into. The theory of horoscope is we're similar, if not the same, as others born in the same period of the year as we were. Think about that for a moment.
Christians hold that God speaks through his Spirit in ways to communicate the will of God - what we're to do, that's right, just and fair. Christians, by character and not merely name, don't enter into Crystal-ball gazing or ruminating over what the day holds for them, though they may pray - again, seeking God's will.
By trying horoscope, and actively seeking it out in newspapers or via Internet apps etc, we've decided to align with a belief system that sorts us into personality types by birthdate. Think about the logic in that.
Add to this the fact that horoscope finds that 12 personality types will share similar fortunes on any particular day. Think about the logic in that. It's true that any horoscope analysis can be read many different ways, just as people self-select a particular item of clairvoyant interest. 'Your day will be busier than normal', is not actually that groundbreaking. Horoscope is generic enough in its form that it satisfies the reader who believes in it. The believer seeks to be affirmed in the reading.
Contrast this with the logic of belief in the Christian God; Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. To outsiders the theology of God may be confusing. But this bit is simple: we are to worship in Spirit and in truth, according to John 4:24. God is Spirit; we worship in Spirit - and not via any talisman or idol. That leaves truth. Anything that consists of truth is of God. And though we believe by faith, God has reckoned all things valid that subsist in the truth. Does horoscope, in any way, subsist in truth? Does it, for instance, instruct or challenge or affirm us regarding moral or ethical truth?
I, and many others, would argue that horoscope does not, in any form, belong to the truth. Belief in horoscope satisfies a spiritual urge, but in a lie. We give ourselves what we want, leaving God far from view. The reality is the Evil One (Christians call him 'Satan') has accomplished his goal in diverting and diluting our worship when we choose horoscope or any other idol of aberrant focus. An otherwise life-transforming worship is missed out on.
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